Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Intro to the Bible: Professor Brynn Nagel

My car ride home with Brynn today was entirely too precious not to share with you.

It started with a conversation about her not being very kind today at Grandma Channa's house.
And how I was less than impressed... she replied with something like,

"Well, those boys weren't really being very kind to me today..."

So we talked about how kindness is not conditional on the other person.  And how we are supposed to be like Jesus, even when others are not, blah blah.... then she says,

"Well, I am going to bring this Jesus book next time and tell those boys all about Jesus and how he wants us to be kind, and that's what they should do because that's what God says."

"Well, yes, Brynn, that is what God says, but you telling them that isn't likely to make them kind.  You need to show them how to be kind.  With your actions.  Don't just tell them about it be a good example of it.  And even so not everyone is kind, that is our choice to be kind or not."

And then started the real genius....

"Yeah, mom, like Gaston.  He was not kind.  We should be like Belle instead..." (this is a direct reference to Disney's Beauty and the Beast, just in case you've been living in a hole for your whole life.)

"Yes, Brynn, you're exactly right, we should be like Belle.  She was kind to the beast even though he was unkind at first, and ugly.  She saw through to his heart and loved him.  But, not everyone is kind like Belle."

And just when I thought we were done with Preschool life lesson 101, she digs in a little deeper...

"Yeah, mom, we just have to feel that flutter in our hearts.  That's what it feels like when God talks to us and tells us what the right thing to do is. Don't those boys have a flutter in their hearts?"

Well, for heaven's sake, now I am being schooled by the 4-year-old.  And it doesn't stop here folks.

"Yes, Brynn, I think God makes everyone's heart flutter, but he also gives us the choice to ignore it.  And sometimes people do."

"Yeah, and sometimes we are just too loud, and and so we can't hear it."

My goodness I'm glad I left the music off today... I am driving and desperately trying to store these little bits of wisdom from Brynn in my memory so I can write them down.  She went on to start talking about Easter.  (If you think that's random, let me just tell you that she has been talking about Easter for weeks now.  Wishing people "Happy Easter" and just going on and on like it's Easter season.  In fact, today she asked me why Grandma Channa still had a bunny hanging up, because Easter is over.  I have no idea what this is about.  She's been celebrating for weeks and we should all just have celebrated and been done with it.  I reminded her that Easter isn't until Sunday, so it's still okay.  Oh, and she's 4.  So random is kind of part of the game.)  She talked about opening Easter baskets and eggs and that, while telling people about God and that "Jesus is risen," like any good AmeriChristian would.

So, I gently remind her that Easter is actually about Jesus.  Period.  He sacrificed himself for us, and reminds us that we should sacrifice ourselves for others.  And then He rose from the dead and conquered death so we could too.  Our culture has made it into a holiday about bunnies and eggs, and those things are good and fun, but not the point.

"Well, you know what I think Easter is about?  I think it's about His power.  And that He saved us!  That's what I think it's about."

Yes, yes Brynn you are right.  As usual.  Our conversation then drifted for a bit, and then somehow we ended up at,

"Mom, can we ask Jesus to live in other people's hearts too, and then He will?"

My eyes are welling with tears again as I write this.  Through tears I told her,

"No, Brynn, unfortunately that's not the way it works.  I wish it did, but it doesn't."

Oh, I so wish it did.  She asked me why not, and I told her about choices and that everyone gets to make their own.  Good 'ole Free Will.  She kept pressing, "But, why?"... I tried to explain 3 different ways.  Stumbling and mostly saying the same exact thing 3 times.  She finally accepted.

"Yeah, Mom, I wish it was that way too."

She has spent her time since we got home from our deeply theological drive making cards for people.  She's said to me three times,

"Mom, I just feel so bad for myself..... I just hope Grandma Marge doesn't have to miss Easter because she isn't feeling good." (Note to self.. explain what it means to "feel bad for myself")

She has made several cards, with candy taped to them, for Grandma Marge because she is sure she will be devastated if she misses Easter and will need some cheering up.  She's also been asking questions about if she can get places in her wheel chair, because she surely shouldn't be stuck.

God speaks to me through many kinds of media and people, and I know it shouldn't surprise me that he should use my 4-year-old, but it does.  Every time.  There are times when I wonder if I am doing a good enough job at being Jesus to her, you know, so she might actually know Him, and not just know about Him.  And then my gracious God gives me afternoons like this.  Where He not only assures me that she's getting it, but shows me that I might just have a few things to learn from her.  Something about faith like I child, I think?


  1. LOVE this!! And your precious girly!!! What a honey...gotta love child like faith. And I"m so glad you have this documented. Great stories forever:):)

  2. How precious! Thanks for sharing the wisdom and openness of your precious daughter! I just love preschoolers, they are so open and honest! Pray that her precious spirit stays this tender. You are a precious mommy too!
