Monday, September 24, 2012

Dearest Drive-Thru

Here's to you, my friend, the "fast"-food drive-thru employee.  After waiting 5 minutes for my "freshly-made" cheeseburger with Coke Zero and hot curly fries, I instead enjoyed it with Cherry Coke and cold fries...   I know, it's tough to decipher between Cherry and Zero, what with them being at different ends of the word Coke and all...  and I understand I came at the busy half-way-between-lunch-and-dinner-hour, and you were quite frazzled.  I certainly appreciated that you over-flowed my pop all over the outside of my cup and handed it to me dripping and sticky, because if you hadn't, I wouldn't have asked for the napkins that I used to wipe my face of the messy cheeseburger, since putting them in my bag slipped your mind.  It's ok, I forgive you.  I know you were just stunned by my striking beauty as I handed you my credit card (ha!).  Don't you worry, though, I shall return to patronize you another day.  No, not because of your unexpectedly impressive service.  But rather, because you will continue to inject your deliciousness with some sort of crack-like substance that keeps me wanting more.  See you soon.

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